AGE OF WAR: Descent of ZEON Dragons
modelled using HGUC MS-06 Zaku II
modelled by mybearbrick
CG by mybearbrick
The initial phase it regular snap fitting, cementing and filing. A raw assembled look just doesn't feel right. The color of this HGUC kit is absolutely CRAP to the MG. If you are wondering how crap it is, it is actually the paler green of the limbs/shield! Something need to be done. Having the knowledge that Zaku II, not being part a Seed/Destiny MS, cannot adopt the fancy painting and HK Style (term adopted from Seiya) decaling. It just doesn't seem right to fancy it up. The Zaku II has always been potrayed in more of a military stylized design scheme. Hence, a camouflage scheme will be good here.
I have previously bought a can of pylox paint, Mulberry Green. It's virgin use will be for this kit. Having read plenty about camouflage and seen plenty, I know that it is no easy task. I do not want to complicate it with 3 color tones, so I decided to use the Mulberry Green over the pale CRAP green. Taking the simple approach to camoflage, I adopted the 'Zudah-style' camo scheme. Stuck huge slabs of masking and painted masking sol on the kit. Masking is also quite a knowledge, so that I do not waste the tape. The Tamiya masking tape was used to outline while the space is cover with either stationary masking tape or Mr hobby Masking Sol. Warning: Do not use stationary masking tape on painted areas as they are too sticky. Use masking sol or reduce the stickiness by sticking on cotten fabric and stripping it. Masking solution was used for curvy and round edges. Masking solution can be replaced with stationary clear glue but note that masking solution dries faster. The kit was given 2 thin but thorough coats of the paint. An interval of about 15 - 20 mins is allowed for paint to dry before layering a second coat. This interval can be cut short using a hair-dryer, but use with caution!
Since I didn't like the flexible crap green tubing, I decided that I give it a different color. I chose Mr Hobby Burnt Iron for this job, a very verstatile color which I used very often. The backpack, missile packs and weapons were all painted with the same burnt iron. Missiles were painted with Mr Hobby Gold and home-made chrome. Copper was also applied to some parts of the kits. All metallic painted parts were left raw without top-coat.
Panel-lining was simple as the HGUC kit doesn't have much panel lines to work with, unlike the MG done by Laurens. Most of the edges of the Zaku II are curved, so there really isn't much point in panel-lining the curved edges. I had no intention to scribe additional panel lines too as this was supposed to be a speedy and basic build.
I have come to realize that can no longer do a basic OOB with spicing the kit up. Hence, some samuel decals were applied. I have used HGUC Zaku II decals, 'Flying Dragon' from Bawoo's and some Man Wah decals. 2 layers of flat top coat were given to even everything out. Not good enough! Small studs were inserted to spice it up more. These studs courtesy from Laurens, are different from the regular led holder studs used previously. These studs are made of glass, smaller and usually used for ladies accessory making. An approximately-sized hole was drilled in marked positions and further boring was done until the studs fit.
It has come to my attention that the images were over-exposed due to strong lighting. I will be giving it another photoshoot properly some other time to do it justice.